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水電站廠房設計 共有 25 個詞條內容

1 General Provisions

    1.0.1 This standard specifies the main design contents andtechnical requirements for powerhouses of hydropower stations.1.0.2 This standard is applicable to the design of construction,extension and renovation of Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3 powerhousesfor hy...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


2 Terms and Definitions

    2.0.1 Water retaining powerhouseThe powerhouse located in a natural or artificial excavated channelwith water retaining effect, which directly bears theupstream water pressure.2.0.2 Powerhouse at dam-toeThe powerhouse located near the downstream of dam to...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


3.1 Arrangement of powerhouse area

    3.1.1 The layout of powerhouses shall be determined throughtechnical and economic demonstration based on river developmentplan, topography and geology as well as environmental conditions.(1) Under the prerequisite of ensuring the safety operation andconve...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


3.2 Arrangement inside the powerhouse

    3.2.1 The size and space of each part of the powerhouse andauxiliary plant shall be determined reasonably according to the scaleof hydropower stations, powerhouse type, layout requirements ofelectrical and mechanical equipment, environmental characteristi...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


4.1 General requirements

    4.1.1 Probability limit state design principles with partial factordesign format is adopted in this standard.4.1.2 The calculation and checking for design of powerhousestructures shall be carried out based on the ultimate limit state andserviceability lim...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


4.2 Action and action effects

    4.2.1 Permanent action (load), variable action (load), accidentalaction(load) shall be considered in structure.4.2.2 Different representative values of a load shall be adoptedcorresponding to different action (load) in structure design.Characteristic valu...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


4.3 Calculation of ultimate limit state

    4.3.1 The following design of limit state expression shall beadopted under fundamental combination, see Equation (4.3.1) :Where:S() =function of action effect.R() =function of structural resistance.γ0 =importance factor of structure, taken according to th...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


4.4 Calculation of serviceability limit state

    The following expression of limit state shall be adopted forcalculation of serviceability limit state for structure, see Equation(4.4.1):Where:Sk()=Function of characteristic combination value of actioneffects of serviceability limit state, calculated byc...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


5.1 General requirements

    5.1.1 Calculation and checking of integral stability and foundationstress of powerhouse shall include the following contents.(1) Calculation of stability against sliding along the foundationsurface. Calculation of sliding stability in deep layer along the...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


5.2 Calculation of integral stability and foundation stress

    5.2.1 Calculation of Integral stability against sliding of powerhouseshall comply with the following provisions.(1) Shear-rupture strength is calculated by Equation (5.2.1-1):Where:γ0=Importance factor of structure, taking 1.1 for the powerhouseof structu...[繼續(xù)閱讀]

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