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中國科學基金 頁數(shù): 4 2019-07-15
摘要: 同行評議制度被公認為是用于專業(yè)評審的最好制度,其決策依據是建立在科學、專業(yè)的基礎上,能有效地避免外行的干預和決策權力的濫用或過分集中。由于評議人認識的限制和同行評議中存在的利益沖突或利益相關,同行評議制度公正性常受到質疑。隨著科學研究的發(fā)展,對同行評議制度提出了新的要求,作者試圖針對這些問題提出相應的解決辦法,希望能增加同行評議制度的公正性減少其局限性。
Peer review is widely carried out by funding organizations and journal press due to its impartiality.But the weakness of the mechanism by peer review is also realized because of reviewers'interest conflicts and little understanding about specific scientific questions,which become more serious especially with the development of science research.We try to propose some new approaches for improving the quality of peer review.

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