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哲學(xué)簡史 共有 335 個詞條內(nèi)容

Place of Philosophy in Chinese Civilization

    To the Westerner, who sees that the life of the Chinese people is permeated with Confucianism, it appears that Confucianism is a religion. As a matter of fact, however, Confucianism is no more a religion than, say, Platonism or Aristotelianism. It is true...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


Problem and Spirit of Chinese Philosophy

    The above is a general discussion of the nature and function of philosophy. In the following remarks I shall speak more specifically about Chinese philosophy. There is a main current in the history of Chinese philosophy, which may be called the spirit of ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


The Way in Which Chinese Philosophers Expressed Themselves

    A Western student beginning the study of Chinese philosophy is instantly confronted with two obstacles. One, of course, is the language barrier; the other is the peculiar way in which the Chinese philosophers have expressed themselves. I will speak about ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


The Language Barrier

    It is true of all philosophical writings that it is difficult for one to have a complete understanding and full appreciation of them if one cannot read them in the original. This is due to the language barrier. Because of the suggestive character of Chine...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


Geographic Background of the Chinese People

    In the Confucian Analects Confucius said: “The wise man delights in water; the good man delights in mountains. The wise move; the good stay still. The wise are happy; the good endure.”[1] In reading this saying, I feel there is in it something which sugge...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


Economic Background of the Chinese People

    The ancient Chinese and Greek philosophers not only lived under different geographic conditions, but different economic ones as well. Since China is a continental country, the Chinese people have to make their living by agriculture. Even today the portion...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


Value of Agriculture

    In the Lü-shih Chun-chiu, a compendium of various schools of philosophy written in the third century B. C., there is a chapter titled “The Value of Agriculture.” In this chapter a contrast is made between the mode of life of people who are engaged in the ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


“Reversal Is the Movement of the Tao”

    Before considering the difference between these two schools, let us first take up a theory which both of them maintained. This is that both in the sphere of nature and in that of man, when the development of anything brings it to one extreme, a reversal t...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


Idealization of Nature

    Taoism and Confucianism differ because they are the rationali-zation or theoretical expression of different aspects of the life of the farmers. The farmers are simple in their living and innocent in their thought. Seeing things from their point of view, t...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


Family System

    The farmers have to live on their land, which is immovable, and the same is true of the scholar landlords. Unless one has special talent, or is especially lucky, one has to live where ones father or grandfather lived, and where ones children will continue...[繼續(xù)閱讀]

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聽后感 黑板報 主持稿 應(yīng)用文 慰問信 記敘文 說明文 寫作基礎(chǔ) 小學(xué)詩詞 初中詩詞 個人簡歷 初一作文 初二作文 初三作文 高一作文 高二作文 高三作文 初一日記 初一書信 初一小說 初一詩歌 初二日記 初二書信 初二小說 初二詩歌 初三小說 初三日記 初三書信 初三詩歌 高一日記 高一小說 高一書信 高一詩歌 高二小說 高二日記 高二書信 高二詩歌 高三小說 高三日記 高三書信 高三詩歌 中考作文 中考題庫 高考作文 高考題庫 英語日記 五一作文 生日作文 元旦作文 軍訓(xùn)日記 軍訓(xùn)感言 軍訓(xùn)總結(jié) 軍訓(xùn)心得 軍訓(xùn)口號 撒謊作文 單元作文 哲理故事 歷史典故 成語故事 時事論據(jù) 名言警句 好詞好句 感恩故事 優(yōu)美段落 寫作指導(dǎo) 原創(chuàng)專區(qū) 故事大全 心理測試 作文體裁 作文杯賽 名詩名句 寓教于樂 初一周記 初一游記 初一隨筆 初二周記 初二隨筆 初三周記 初三隨筆 高一周記 高一散文 高一隨筆 高二周記 高二散文 高二隨筆 高三周記 高三報告 高三散文 高三隨筆 命題作文 招生簡章 材料作文 童話故事 規(guī)章制度 話題作文 小學(xué)小說 小學(xué)擴(kuò)寫 小學(xué)改寫 優(yōu)秀句段 作文指導(dǎo) 作文范文 作文訓(xùn)練 作文題目 名言名句 成語大全 成語知識 日文名言 電影名言 經(jīng)典名言 英語名言 韓文名言