Never stand begging for that which you have power to earn.你有能力獲得的東西,決不要去祈求。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
Never stand begging for that which you have power to earn.你有能力獲得的東西,決不要去祈求。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
As we advance in life,we learn the limits of our abilities.隨著年歲的增進,我們懂得我們的技能是有限的。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
A Dwarf on a Giant’s shoulder sees farther of the two.巨人肩上的矮子,比兩人看得都遠。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
The winds and weaves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.最好的水手遇到的風浪最多。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
Let every man be occupied in the highest employment of which his nature is capable,and die with the consciousness that he had done his best.讓每人都去干其最擅長之事,他便可死而無悔: 已為社會盡了最大的力。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
The question“who ought to be boss?”is like asking“who ought to be the tenor in quarlet?”O(jiān)bviously,the man who can sing tenor.回答:“由誰當頭?”的問題,亦就如回答:“誰來唱四重唱中的主調”一樣,顯然,就是那個能唱男高音的人。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
An able man shows his spirit by gentle words and resolute actions.一個有才能的人的氣魄表現為: 言辭溫婉而行動果斷。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing,while others judge us by what we have already done.我們以自我感到能做什么來評價自己,而別人以我們已取得的成就來評價我們。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
The wicked are always surprised to find ability in the good.邪惡的人常常為發(fā)現善良者的才能而感到詫異。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
To become an able man in any profession,there are three things necessary,nature,study and practice.在任何職業(yè)中,要想成為一個有才干的人,必須具有三件東西: 品性、學識和實踐。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]