Ⅰ n. a fairly large number相當多的人(或物),不少的人(或物):A good fewattended the mourning meeting.很多人都參加了追悼會。I think a good few of the others werelike me,a bit confused.我認為,還有不少人都和我樣有些迷惑不解。Lots of people at the clubare under t......(本文共 441 字) [閱讀本文] >>
 Ⅰ n. a fairly large number相當多的人(或物),不少的人(或物):A good fewattended the mourning meeting.很多人都參加了追悼會。I think a good few of the others werelike me,a bit confused.我認為,還有不少人都和我樣有些迷惑不解。Lots of people at the clubare under t......(本文共 441 字) [閱讀本文] >>