The atom or group to whicha pairof electrons is donated in a coordinate bond .Pi-acceptors are compounds or groups thataccept electrons into pi,p or d orbitals在配位鍵中接受一對電子的原子或基團。π受體是用π軌道、p軌道或d軌道接受電子的化合物或基團。......(本文共 180 字) [閱讀本文] >>
 The atom or group to whicha pairof electrons is donated in a coordinate bond .Pi-acceptors are compounds or groups thataccept electrons into pi,p or d orbitals在配位鍵中接受一對電子的原子或基團。π受體是用π軌道、p軌道或d軌道接受電子的化合物或基團。......(本文共 180 字) [閱讀本文] >>