all pron. 一切,全部:Say ~ you know and say it without reserve.知無不言,言無不盡。 a. 所有的:All the idioms are not illustrated.所有的成語都沒有用例子說明?! d. 完全:I am ~ for your suggestion.我完全贊同你的建議?! . 全部:He gave his ~ ......(本文共 201 字) [閱讀本文] >>
all pron. 一切,全部:Say ~ you know and say it without reserve.知無不言,言無不盡。 a. 所有的:All the idioms are not illustrated.所有的成語都沒有用例子說明?! d. 完全:I am ~ for your suggestion.我完全贊同你的建議?! . 全部:He gave his ~ ......(本文共 201 字) [閱讀本文] >>