受到控告的[~NP] The judge asked the~ man tostand up,and he stood up.法官要被告站起來,他照做了。[BE~AS NP]Tom was~as an accomplice.湯姆被指控為同謀。[BE~FOR V-ing]Steven was~for stealing a car.斯蒂文被指控偷了一輛轎車。[BE~OF V-ing] The manager has......(本文共 298 字) [閱讀本文] >>
 受到控告的[~NP] The judge asked the~ man tostand up,and he stood up.法官要被告站起來,他照做了。[BE~AS NP]Tom was~as an accomplice.湯姆被指控為同謀。[BE~FOR V-ing]Steven was~for stealing a car.斯蒂文被指控偷了一輛轎車。[BE~OF V-ing] The manager has......(本文共 298 字) [閱讀本文] >>