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ADC DAC的測試與計算
2022-04-25 23:07:38

[SND][SINAD][SNDR]: 信噪失真比

  Signal to Noise and Distortion Ratio

  SND [dB] =?10?log?(SignalPower?/?NoisePower) 注:這里的Noise Power包含了各種噪聲和THD。




?  實際上這里的PNoise是將Distortion 功率剝離了出來,本質(zhì)上面的沒有任何區(qū)別。

[SNR] [S/N]:信噪比

  SNR or signal-to-noise ratio is the?ratio between the desired information or the power of a signal and the undesired signal or the power of the background noise.

  SNR [dB] = 10?log?(SignalPower?/?NoisePower-HarmonicsPower)

[THD] : 諧波總失真

  Total Harmonics Distortion Ratio

  THD [dB] = 10?log?(HarmonicsPower?/?SignalPower)

[SFDR] : 無雜散動態(tài)范圍


  SFDR[dBc] = 10 log(SignalPower/Spur_max) 這個指標(biāo)是信號的最大值與最大的spur之間的delta

[dBFS] :?滿量程相對電平:

  Decibels relative to full scale

  dBFS =? 10 log [ (FullRange-Spur_max) /FullRange ]?

本文摘自 :https://www.cnblogs.com/

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