Ⅰ n ① [C] a written or spoken report; description; story 書面報道;口頭報告;描述;故事:Some newspaper ~s are sometimes incredible. 有些報紙的報道有時是難以置信的。/He wrote a very interesting ~ of the baseball.他寫了一篇非常有趣的棒球賽報道。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
Ⅰ n ① [C] a written or spoken report; description; story 書面報道;口頭報告;描述;故事:Some newspaper ~s are sometimes incredible. 有些報紙的報道有時是難以置信的。/He wrote a very interesting ~ of the baseball.他寫了一篇非常有趣的棒球賽報道。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
vt & vi make or become greater in quantity or size; collect or grow into a mass 積累;積蓄;堆積;積聚: ~ strength積蓄力量/He has ~d a wealth of experience in teaching. 他在教學工作中積累了豐富的經驗。/Dust soon ~s if you dont sweep your rooms. 如果不打掃房...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
adj ① careful and exact 精確的:This is an ~ statement of what happened. 這是對所發(fā)生的事情的精確敘述。 ② free of mistakes; exactly correct 精確無誤的;準確的:He gave an ~ answer. 他作了準確的回答。/My watch is not ~. 我的表不準。/The thermometer in ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
vt charge sb with having done sth wrong, or with having broken the law 控告(某人做了壞事或犯了法);指責;譴責:The children ~d Tom of being a telltale. 孩子們指責湯姆是搬弄是非者。/Hes been ~d of taking bribes. 有人指控他受賄。/We ~d him of immoral conduct...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
vt [usu in the pass] make familiar by custom, habit, or use; habituate (to) [通常用被動語態(tài)] 使習慣于[與to連用]: ~ oneself to cold weather 使習慣于寒冷的天氣/~ a hunting dog to the noise of a gun 使獵犬習慣于槍聲/He finds it difficult to ~ himself to t...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
Ⅰ vi ① have continuous or prolonged pain (有持續(xù)而長久的)疼痛(感):My head〈 tooth, back, liver, stomach〉 ~s. 我頭〈牙,腰,肝,胃〉痛。/My ears 〈eyes〉 ~. 我耳〈我的眼〉痛。 ② [colloq] yearn or long [口] 渴望;想念:Thoughts of their mothe...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
vt ① do; succeed in doing; accomplish 做;做成功;完成;達成;成就:We have ~d half the task. 我們完成了一半任務。/We have ~d complete success. 我們取得圓滿成功。 ② get or reach by exertion; attain; gain(借努力而)獲得;達到:George ~d distinction in m...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
vt ① agree to the truth of; recognize the fact or existence (of) 認以為真;承認:I ~d the truth of your statement. 我承認你的陳述是真實的。/They ~d to us that they were defeated (或having been defeated). 他們向我們認輸。/~ ones fault 承認錯誤 ② [with as or t...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
vt make known; make aware; make familiar 使知道;使明白;使熟悉: ~ sb with the fact 使某人熟悉事實/The manager told me that I must ~ myself with my new duties. 經理讓我把自己的新職務熟悉一下。be ~ed (with), (a) have knowledge (of) 知道: be ~ed with history 通...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
n ① [U] knowledge (of sth) got from personal experience, or study of it but not deep (由個人經驗或對某事的研究得來的)知識:He has some ~ with French but does not speak fluently. 他懂得一點法語,但講得不流利。make sbs ~ (或make the ~ of sb), get to know s...[繼續(xù)閱讀]