施灸材料。又稱艾圓。將艾絨團(tuán)聚成丸,作灸用,施灸方法與艾炷同。每個(gè)艾丸,亦稱一壯。參見“艾炷”、“艾炷灸”條。A moxibustion material,alsocalled moxa sphere. Roll the moxa wool into aball for moxibustion,its manipulation is similar to that of moxa cones...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
施灸材料。出《普濟(jì)方》卷四百二十三。為艾丸之別稱。詳見該條。Another name for a moxaball,a moxibustion material,originally from Vol. 423 of Puji Fang (Prescriptions for Universal Relief). →艾丸(p.3)...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
施灸材料。用艾絨制做成的上尖下平的圓錐形小體??梢谰闹蔚男枰?分為大艾炷、中艾炷、小艾炷三種。圖2 艾炷Fig 2 Moxa conesA moxibustion material,taperedwith the tip of the cone at the top and the flatat the bottom made of moxa wool. Accordingto the needs of...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
灸法的一種。將艾炷直接或間接地置于穴位上施灸的方法。可分為直接灸、間接灸二種。詳見各條。A moxibustionmethod of putting a moxa cone directly or indirectly on the point,divided further into direct moxibustion and indirect moxibustion. →直接灸(p. 602) 、間...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
經(jīng)穴別名。出《針灸甲乙經(jīng)》。即仆參。詳見該條。Another name for Pucan (BL 61),a meridian point originally from Zhenjiu JiayiJing (A-B Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion). →仆參(p. 299)...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
針刺手法名。十四法之一。①指針刺前用手指按壓穴位。②指針刺時(shí)將針向下按入。又稱插法。One of the 14 methods referring to①pressing the point with fingers beforeacupuncture,or② pushing the needle down-ward during acupuncture,also called thrusting....[繼續(xù)閱讀]
取穴法之一。在病變所在的肌肉或肌群處選取穴位。常用于肌肉癱瘓、萎縮等癥。如股直肌麻痹取伏兔,脛前肌麻痹取足三里等。A method of point-selection. Selectthe point on the muscle or muscle groupwhere the disease lies. It is often used for my-oparalysis...[繼續(xù)閱讀]