· 句意 ·博覽群書,細心體會,下筆寫文章就如有神助。說明要想寫好文章,就需要博覽群書。· 英譯 ·If you read extensively, understand and memorize them attentively,you will feel easy in writing a good article just like there is a god helping you.Read more books i......(本文共 297 字) [閱讀本文] >>
 · 句意 ·博覽群書,細心體會,下筆寫文章就如有神助。說明要想寫好文章,就需要博覽群書。· 英譯 ·If you read extensively, understand and memorize them attentively,you will feel easy in writing a good article just like there is a god helping you.Read more books i......(本文共 297 字) [閱讀本文] >>