用作副詞。1.在國外;往國外?!琀e returned to his motherland after living abroad half his life.在國外生活了半生以后,他回到祖國。2.廣布;散布?!琓here is a rumour abroad that a rare wild animal was caught in the mountains.一個(gè)謠言廣布說,在山間捉到一只奇異的......(本文共 268 字) [閱讀本文] >>
 用作副詞。1.在國外;往國外?!琀e returned to his motherland after living abroad half his life.在國外生活了半生以后,他回到祖國。2.廣布;散布?!琓here is a rumour abroad that a rare wild animal was caught in the mountains.一個(gè)謠言廣布說,在山間捉到一只奇異的......(本文共 268 字) [閱讀本文] >>